I Wouldn’t Like NCIS Beloved Character to Come Back This Way, But There’s No Different Option

I Wouldn’t Like NCIS Beloved Character to Come Back This Way, But There’s No Different Option

Owning up to the consequences of her actions is a price to pay.

Jessica Knight’s potential departure from NCIS may indeed come as a tough thing for fans to deal with, yet her position might be taken over by someone who Jessica had actually replaced back in season 21.

So far it does seem like a very unlikely option to ever happen, yet I’m so sure everyone would love to see Ellie Bishop back on the screen, even if she has to right the wrong she did back in the past to eventually show up as a normal character and not a criminal.

Back in the day, Ellie was the one to garner all the love from fans, yet what happened to her next came as an utter shock which later on left NCIS lovers disappointed and heartbroken about such a shameful send-off for the beloved character.

Remember How Ellie Bishop Left NCIS?

Introduced to the show in season 11 as the MCRT Special Agent, Ellie suddenly got a sinister call back from her past as NSA analyst, revealing that she’d leaked classified information years before she’d started a new job in NCIS, thus making it clear that she was no longer able to carry out her duties as a Special Agent without being arrested at some point.

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I Wouldn’t Like NCIS Beloved Character to Come Back This Way, But There’s No Different Option - image 1

Season 18 finale catches Ellie resigning from NCIS and getting prepared for a long-term undercover operation alongside former CIA instructor Odette Malone.

So far there are only two ways for Ellie Bishop to make her way back to NCIS, and I honestly don’t know which one actually feels worse. Starting with an easier option, she might be brought back in case the MCRT suddenly decides to team up with Ellie’s work partner Odette as the latter still surely has connections to the CIA, despite being its former agent.

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Should something like this indeed happen, fans might not want to delude themselves with a hope to enjoy Ellie’s presence for a long time as NCIS has always followed its famous one-case-per-episode formula.

Even if Ellie does show up in the series again, it most likely won’t go further than just one or two episodes, let alone the whole idea of yet another spinoff about her.

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Another option for Ellie’s legal return actually has to do with the legal system, yet I find it a slightly better perspective for her staying in the show for a while.

Should Ellie face a trial for leaking NSA classified documents and eventually admit her guilt, things may in fact become easier for her since she was a respected MCRT member and a punishment for her thus might turn out to be less severe than expected.

Such a turn of events can still take a longer time to get figured out, but, after all, it’s worth a shot, especially in case Jessica Knight will leave the team for good.

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